HIGH SCHOOL Sign- up for the: OLG Fish Fry!

It's that time of year again! Time for the OLG Fish Fry!

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We would love to have your support again this year at the Men's Club Annual Fish Fry TBD There are lots of opportunities to help out throughout the event! We need everyone on board to make this the best Fish Fry EVER!

There are two shifts that you can volunteer for:
1st Shift: 4:00PM- 6:15PM

2nd Shift:  5:45PM- 8:00PM

Highschoolers make sure to sign-up HERE

Adults sing-up HERE

Volunteers will get a t-shirt again this year, BUT supplies are limited so get your friends together and sign up soon! Thank your in advance for your help with the Fish Fry and we will see you on April 5th

ANNNNNNND Don’t forget! All HighSchool Volunteers are invited to watch a movie and eat pizza at 8:30PM in the Frassati Room! This year we are watching Frozen II See you there!