Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church

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Newly Married Retreat

For all couples married 0-7 years
February 1, 2020
9 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
St. Peter’s Church in Mendota

Living In Love
A life-changing retreat workshop designed to energize the romance and renew the joy of being in love.

Living in Love offers liberating insight into how differently men and women prefer to achieve intimacy and helps couples get in touch with the resources that draw them to each other and fuel their romance. The retreat is a series of lively presentations from presenters who share personally from their own lives in order to illustrate the content of each exercise with practical, relevant, and inspirational real life examples that set the level of openness for the participants. The presentations are followed by private couple time and each exercise ends with a very brief communal prayer for the practical grace needed to be a better husband or wife. There is no large group discussion or open sharing. Although the atmosphere is full of fun and laughter, the content is engaging and insightful, and the experience is uniquely positive and life changing. Living in Love provides an extraordinary opportunity for married couples to reconnect with their own love history while gaining a joyful sense of hope, purpose and direction for the future.

The cost is $40 per couple and includes a light breakfast and catered lunch.  

Brad and Libby Dupont work for the Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS in the Office for Marriage and Family life and will be leading the weekend.

Contact Katie Walker at walkerk@archspm.org or 651-291-4516 with any questions.