LifeNight Wrap-up: March 7th

Greetings everyone! 

Last week at LifeNight we opened with prayer and reflection on the Eucharist. It turned into a mini- Unleashed AND WAS AWESOME. 

Then we played Dodge-ball, basketball, and played with the parachute. 

It was a wonderful low-key LifeNight filled with faith, fun, and friends! 

God bless! Veronica 


This Wednesday we have a special Peer Ministry Meeting that starts at 7:30PM in the Youth Room. SO no LifeNight this Wednesday! 

LifeNight Wrap-up: February 21st

Greetings everyone! 

This week at LifeNight we opened up by praying Psalm 88, and creating our own "ending" to the Psalm. 

We then tried to meditate. BUT the lady in the video had a crazy weird voice so we were unable to NOT laugh. It was awesome. 

Afterwards we watched a video by a Life Coach: David Hussey called  "Why some advice doesn't work for you....yet!" While the video stemmed from a different video he made about some dating advice this one delved into if we don't care for ourselves we can't BE our best selves. It reminded us that this season of Lent is an opportunity for deeper relationship with God AND self-care. 

Lent is when we recognize the ways that we let different things get in the way with our relationship with God, and we remove those things for 40 days. We talked  about the 40 Day challenge for lent where you give up, do, and work on one sin for the 40 days. This is also the time to make sure that we are also taking time for ourselves. "Self- care is not selfish. You cannot serve from and empty vessel." Lent is when you take time for God, AND yourself!

We also discussed about our character, virtues, and personality and how Lent is also the perfect time to really work out our character.  Below are the prayer sheet from Psalm 88, and our discussion sheet. Here is the Lent 2018 Challenge.

God bless! Veronica 

LifeNight wrap-up: January 31st

Greetings everyone! 

Last night at LifeNight we just had a relaxing game night as we got to know our new Youth Minister Damon! He is AMAZING!!!! 

Nest week join us at the same time, same place!

The FIRST EVER OLG LOCK-IN is is on February 3rd starting at 10PM!

Invite everyone you know and please get in your Permission Form! 


LifeNight wrap-up: January 24th


Greetings everyone! 

This week at LifeNight we opened up by playing a game that was all about finding your "twin" we then had to introduce one another to the group based on the items that we were forced to swap. 

Pretty much everyone traded their cell!

We then had an AMAZING discussion after watching Father Mike's video "Will I Ever Find the ONE?" Check out the video! It is an amazing video about WHO your one really is. 

Below are the discussion questions and video from Father Mike! 
God bless and see you next week! 

1- Do you/did you/ever thought of- this idea of THE ONE?! Why?
2- Paradox of Choice- What do you think about this? Has this happened in your own life?
3- Marriage is the place where you go to die- thoughts?
4- Jesus= THE ONE What does this mean to you?

LifeNight wrap-up: January 17th

Greetings everyone! 

This week at LifeNight we reaffirmed how life is sacred from conception to natural death. We all walked away with tangible, practical ways to live out this teaching daily. ANNND we played a fun game using the Catechism- hilarious. Check out our pictures! 

Below are some quotes and tips for ways to support life everyday. 

“And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!’ ” —Luke 1:41-42

“Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person—among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.” —CCC 2270

“Nothing we do to defend the human person, no matter how small, is ever unfruitful or forgotten. Our actions touch other lives and move other hearts in ways we can never fully understand in this world.” —Archbishop Charles Chaput

You can be an example and supporter every day through the way you live! Here are some ideas to get you started in the upcoming week:

• Start a Group: Join with others your age to meet and speak out on the value of life. Go to to discover how to start a group and get information about local events, resources, and meetings in your area.

• Watch a Flick: Gather others from your small group and rent the DVD October Baby, a film about a young college girl who discovers she’s actually adopted—after a failed abortion attempt. Through her journey, this young woman discovers that life can be so much more than she had ever planned. Then check out for a list of resources as well as video stories about embracing life.

• Be a Friend: Connect with someone whose life is quite different from your own—maybe someone who doesn’t feel his/her life is valued because of abilities or age or circumstances. Become part of a buddy program that meets with people each week so you can learn and discover more about their lives and gain the knowledge that each life, no matter what stage, is valuable.

ANNNNNND remember to pray for our youth and adults who left early this morning for the March for Life in Washington DC!

We are all so proud of them! 
