Summer LifeNights

Join OLG High School Youth Ministry for four great nights this summer! Depending on weather we are going to have water balloon wars, nerf gun battles, slip and slide kickball, etc! AND we want you to come!

Anyone in 9th-12th grade is invited!

Summer LifeNight - 6/23/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Summer LifeNight - 7/14/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Summer LifeNight- 8/11/2021 from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

All LifeNights start in the OLG Dining Room


Basic Schedule for Summer LifeNights



Game time!

Closing praise and worship

April 2021
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you!

Greetings everyone! We have an important update about High School Youth Ministry Program at Our Lady of Grace.

Until June 1st, 2021 all High School Youth Ministry will be canceled until further notice. If you have any questions please contact Sean Lavell- Pastoral Associate for Mission and Discipleship 

Below is a message from the Director of HS Ministry - Veronica Whelan. 

Due to several medical appointments over the last few weeks, my primary care team decided it would be best for me to go onto Family Medical leave until at least June 1st.

Since 2017 - I have been receiving treatment for a chronic medical condition called Fibromyalgia, which my doctors believed I developed after the two major car accidents I was in during the winter of 2015/2016. This diagnosis came in Spring 2017 - afterwards I made a lot of changes in my life to thrive while living with Fibromyalgia. However- through the years, I was never really able to manage my symptoms no matter what I did or didn’t do. 

Long story, made short - in Summer 2020 - my sisters went to their own doctors, because they were experiencing similar symptoms as myself and were expecting to receive a similar diagnosis so they could receive treatment. However they were both diagnosed with a genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). It’s a rare condition that runs in families, and after several of my own doctor’s appointments - it’s become more apparent that I have EDS, and possibly not Fibromyalgia. This is both really good and at the same time unfortunate news. Good, because I can begin receiving treatments that will really improve my life, but unfortunate, because this means that I have been treated incorrectly for the last 4 years. In light of this, my Doctors want me to take some serious time off to heal, start a whole new wellness plan, and go to a lot of doctor’s appointments.

During this time, it means I won’t be doing youth and young professional ministry at Our Lady of Grace. I am not taking time off from the Our Lady of Grace community though, you are all in my thoughts and prayers! 

God’s blessings and peace! 


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LifeNight - shhhh....

Each of the four sessions of Into the Deep will cover a specific topic found within the United States Bishops’ framework with a greater depth. This will allow us to take time to really break open topics such as discipleship, Mary, the season of Lent, and pro-life issues. This Into the Deep explores the season of Lent.

As Catholics, we are familiar with ashes, giving something up, and meatless Fridays, but do we know the “why” behind these things? This series on Lent will help us all understand the history, beauty, and opportunity of this season. Each session looks at a different aspect of how we are called to prepare for Easter: fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

This session will wrap up the series on Lent. This final session will explore the third pillar of Lent: prayer (specifically contemplation). This will help us understand the importance of silence and meditation when seeking to deepen their relationship with God.

What you need to know about COVID-19 safety protocols at OLG:

  • Be aware of yourself and others - do at home health checks, know when you’re experiencing symptoms, wash your hands, stay 6ft away, wear a mask when indoors

  • Take one for the team - stay at home when you’re not feeling well, & pray for the OLG community

  • We’re looking out for you - all rooms/spaces will be sanitized between use, all food properly served, we will update you if events change or move due to COVID

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Heart to Heart – Exploring Women’s Vocations with Bishop Cozzens

Tuesday, March 16, 6:30 p.m.

On behalf of Fr. David Blume, Director of Vocations, we invite discerning women to attend this upcoming virtual event with Bishop Cozzens and Religious Sisters!    Heart to Heart is a zoom event for women, ages 16 – 35, who are discerning consecrated life.  The event will include talks by a Pro Ecclesia Sancta Sister and a Handmaid of the Heart of Jesus Sister.  Come for an evening of prayer and conversation.  Information about Bethany House (Archdiocese Women’s Discernment House) and tips on how to discern your vocation will be shared!  Find more information and register at 10000vocations or call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890.

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Islam, Christianity, and the Environmental Crisis

Date: Tuesday, March 16

Time: Noon

End Time: 1:15 p.m.

Location: Virtual event (Zoom), Hosted by the University of St. Thomas Department of Theology

More Information: Register

What can religion offer for resolving the environmental crisis? How can we recover a sacred view of the universe? What resources can the Islamic and Christian traditions offer in response to the environmental crisis?

This lecture will examine the spiritual and intellectual origins of the environmental crisis, rooted in the desacralization of nature in the modern period. It will survey traditional Islamic and Christian views of nature and offer resources, from the Christian heritage and Islamic understandings of the relationship of God, humanity, and nature, that can address our contemporary environmental crisis and help recover a sacred view of the universe.

Islam, Christianity, and the Environmental Crisis (1).jpg

LifeNight Wrap-up! Free Alms

March 2021
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministries we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you!
Greetings everyone! 

Here is our Wrap-up from last night! Can't wait to see you next week for "Shhhhhhh..." at 7:30PM in the Dining Room! 

The goal of  last night was to understand the history and purpose of almsgiving, particularly within the season of Lent. This session will also look at why tithing and service (as an act of prayer and charity) is so important.

  • Almsgiving is an important practice during Lent. It calls us to share our money and possessions with those in need. It also reminds us that what we have is a gift from God.
  • Beyond just giving money, we are also called to do works of mercy to serve our brothers and sisters in need. 
  • Jesus asks us to be “poor in spirit.” This kind of poverty and humility is vital to our spiritual growth. 

Weekly Challenge
Every Lent, CRS sponsors the “Rice Bowl Project.” People are given small boxes to collect change that will be donated to feed the hungry in the countries where CRS serves. On the table in the commons is the Rice Bowl boxes and challenge them to go beyond just gathering spare change. The challenge for this week is to give up something you would typically spend money on (Starbucks, movies, clothes, etc.) and donate the money instead. Bring back the filled Rice Bowl boxes to the next session. 

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LifeNight - Free alms!

Each of the four sessions of Into the Deep will cover a specific topic found within the United States Bishops’ framework with a greater depth. This will allow us to take time to really break open topics such as discipleship, Mary, the season of Lent, and pro-life issues. This Into the Deep explores the season of Lent.

As Catholics, we are familiar with ashes, giving something up, and meatless Fridays, but do we know the “why” behind these things? This series on Lent will help us all understand the history, beauty, and opportunity of this season. Each session looks at a different aspect of how we are called to prepare for Easter: fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

The goal of this session is to help us to understand the history and purpose of almsgiving, particularly within the season of Lent. This session will also look at why tithing and service (as an act of prayer and charity) is so important – even for teenagers.

What you need to know about COVID-19 safety protocols at OLG:

  • Be aware of yourself and others - do at home health checks, know when you’re experiencing symptoms, wash your hands, stay 6ft away, wear a mask when indoors

  • Take one for the team - stay at home when you’re not feeling well, & pray for the OLG community

  • We’re looking out for you - all rooms/spaces will be sanitized between use, all food properly served, we will update you if events change or move due to COVID

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