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+ What is Eucharistic adoration?

As Catholics, we believe Jesus’ own words that he is truly present in the Bread of Life. Adoration is simply spending time in prayer, reading, reflecting, and giving thanks to God… in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

+ Why pray in the MHT Adoration Chapel versus just at home or anywhere else?

While we can all pray anywhere, there is something very powerful about bringing our needs before Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament—and to offer our thanks and praise with honor and reverence to Him. The reverent silence found in the MHT Adoration Chapel facilitates prayer and reflection.

+ How does it work?

The Eucharist is placed in a holy and reverent receptacle called a monstrance (from the Latin word meaning “to show”) and placed on the altar. You simply come to the chapel and take a seat or kneel in one of the open rows. This is personal, silent prayer and conversing with God, the fount of infinite love.

+ If I sign up to come weekly, is it a full hour each week?

Yes. What may seem like a bigger commitment at first, becomes a blessed time that flies by for most adorers. And of course, the chapel is open to visitors to spend as much or little time as they want. Our ability to even offer the blessing of praying in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament on the altar is made possible by the commitment of people who we can count on to take one full hour each week—to fulfill themselves or to secure a sub for that hour. We can never leave the exposed Eucharist alone.

+ If I can’t make it to my committed hour, is there an easy process for finding a sub?

Yes. OLG has a large group of people serving as subs for the chapel. We use an easy online system that utilizes email. The process makes finding a substitute quick, usually within just a few hours of the request going out. The Adoration Chapel Coordinators can also assist in helping find subs in the event of an emergency.

+ If I sign up for a weekly hour, am I committed forever?

No. How long you remain a “committed adorer” is up to you. We have many people who have kept their weekly hour for many years, but also others who can only commit to one year or some number of months. You decide how long you want to keep the commitment.

+ Can I pick the hour I want?

Yes. You can choose whatever hour works best for your schedule.

+ Why would I want to participate in this?

Because spending time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and receiving His abundant graces comforts His Sacred Heart and brings true peace and joy to our hearts. We become like Him. Over time, this simple act of love of “just one yes” to be with Jesus in this special way is transformative and always for the better. We become more calm and collected, and better able to understand ourselves, our relationship with God, and our relationships with others.

+ What are the open hours of the MHT Adoration Chapel?

The MHT Adoration Chapel is open Monday through Friday from 5:00 AM through 11:00 PM, except for when we have daily Masses.

+ Can anyone participate in adoration?

Yes. Having the opportunity to bring your needs and give thanks to Jesus truly present in the Eucharist is for everyone. Saint Teresa of Calcutta said of Eucharistic Adoration, “Every Holy Hour we make so pleases the Heart of Jesus that it will be recorded in Heaven and retold for all eternity."

+ Can I bring someone with me, maybe my children?

Yes. All visitors to the chapel are welcome! Among the sweetest of signs of God’s grace in our world are little ones who come with a mother or father to pray to Jesus in Adoration.

+ Is there a right way to spend time in the MHT Adoration Chapel?

What you do in adoration is up to you—it is a beautiful, personal prayer time in the silence of the chapel, in the presence of Jesus. Most people participate in silent prayer connecting with Jesus, or they may read the Bible or another book that helps them connect with Jesus in a fuller and deeper way. Some people bring journals or pray the rosary, but there is no “right” way to do a Holy Hour.

+ Can I get help or ideas for how to best use my time in adoration?

Yes! The Adoration Chapel Coordinators ensure that there is a robust library of books and materials that help adorers grow in their faith and prayer lives. In addition, we occasionally offer retreats or meetings for Holy Hour enrichment opportunities with the assistance the PES Sisters and parish clergy.

+ Can I have a family member or friend cover my hour for me if I’m sick or can’t make it?

Yes. While we offer an easy system for finding subs, it can be more convenient to have a spouse, family member or a friend cover your hour for you. In fact, this is usually how coverage is done but it is also not required. Finding a sub at OLG is very easy and quick.

+ Is there a specific place where adoration is held?

Yes. Adoration is held in the Most Holy Trinity Chapel, located just to your left as you enter the Church through the main doors. We refer to it as the MHT Adoration Chapel.

+ Who do I contact if I have questions about adoration or need help signing up?

The MHT Adoration Chapel is run by volunteers who are parishioners and fellow adorers at OLG. The easiest way to contact them is through They check emails throughout the day and can usually respond within a few hours. If you have an emergency, you can always call the parish office during regular office hours. The parish staff can call or text the Coordinators to get back to you as soon as possible.

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