Liturgical Ministry

The liturgical ministries at Our Lady of Grace offer many opportunities to worship and serve. We welcome all who have a true desire to minister. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ministers of the Word, ushers and altar servers operate on a rotating schedule. Enroll in our Ministry Scheduler Pro software and select which ministries you are interested in being trained in, and a parish representative will reach out to you to help you with the process. Currently, we are in need of greeters, ushers, lectors, altar servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Sacristans, and coordinators for our monthly baptism liturgies.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

This ministry is open to all confirmed practicing Catholics 16 years old and above. Trainings are held throughout the year and are announced in the bulletin. Our Lady of Grace needs over 50 Communion Ministers a week! Email Marissa Carletta at for further information.

Ministers of the Word (Lectors)

This ministry is open to all who have been confirmed. Proclaiming the Word of God is a unique responsibility!  Trainings are held throughout the year and are announced in the bulletin. Email Marissa Carletta at for further information.


We welcome teens and older, male and female, to this ministry! Ushers are the face of hospitality and take care of a variety of needs before, during and after Mass. A kind smile and a desire to serve is all that is needed!

Church Environment Volunteers

Help beautify the Church, particularly during key Liturgical times, such as Christmas and Easter. There are weekly needs such as watering plants and changing basic decor and seasonal tasks such as decorating for Christmas. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Marissa Carletta at

Altar Servers

People who are in the 5th grade or older are encouraged to become altar servers! Besides serving at weekend Masses, servers are needed at daily Masses, weddings and funerals.