Why should you be in a Small Group?

Because faith together is better than faith alone.

Small groups are intentional gatherings of around 4-8 people committed to a culture of humility, authenticity, and genuine friendship, a “spirituality of community” within the Our Lady of Grace parish family. A small group is a place where each small group member can encounter others anew, so as to encounter Jesus among us (Mt 18:20) and be evermore like him.

If you are interested in joining or learning more about Small Groups contact Kory LaCroix or Tyler McCollum.


Small Group Values and Goals:

1. Relationships. While prayer and discussion of curriculum are key elements of a small group, the priority is the experience of Christian communion, the experience of knowing and being known. (Psalm 133:1) Jesus never invited people to follow him alone.
2. Conversion. Group members commit to the common pursuit of discipleship, of becoming and living more like Jesus.  
3. Authenticity. The atmosphere of a small group should encourage openness, humility, and transparency among members. An environment where members can be received as they are and encouraged towards an ever-deeper pursuit of Jesus.
4. Confidentiality. For authenticity to occur, group members must be able to trust that what is discussed within a small group will not be shared outside of the group except for the rare exception relating to the safety of group members or others.
5. Commitment. Group members taste the benefits of what they invest. To realize the purpose of the group, small groups commit to an agreed upon schedule and a willingness to be available to one another, including periodic times of fellowship.
6. Growth. Group members are invited to be prayerfully present to the possibility of the Holy Spirit prompting them to begin a new group, share their experience of small group with others so many more may taste and see the goodness of communion."