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+ Location

The Most Holy Trinity Chapel is located just to your left after you enter through the main doors of Our Lady of Grace Church on the north side of the building. You may use any of the three sets of doors to enter. A sign-in kiosk (for all adorers with a committed hour, subs or visitors) is located next to the doors closest to the commons area, across from the restrooms.

+ Observing Silence

The chapel is a beautiful and quiet place to pray, read, reflect, and give thanks and praise to God. We ask that all who enter remain silent while in the chapel. This not only demonstrates appropriate reverence in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, it also facilitates a peaceful experience in the chapel for fellow adorers.

+ Chapel Closure

Adoration is available in the chapel during normal open hours, with the exception of certain holidays and weather emergencies. Committed adorers and subs will be informed via email of any changes.

Snow Days

If a major storm is looming and the Edina schools and OLG call a closing for the next day, we will also close the chapel. If a snowstorm develops during the day, we will try to make a call as early as possible.

+ Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar

What transforms the Most Holy Trinity Chapel into the adoration chapel is that, during adoration open hours, the Blessed Sacrament (a consecrated Host) is exposed on the altar in a reverent, open receptacle called a “monstrance” (this comes from the Latin word monstrare, which means “to show”).

This is Jesus Christ – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – truly present with us and for us in the Eucharist. His open presence to us provides both power and peace as we pray.

When the adoration chapel opens in the morning and reopens after a Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is reverently transferred from the Tabernacle (located behind the altar) to the monstrance placed on the altar – this is called “Exposition.” “Reposition” is the act of transferring the Blessed Sacrament from the monstrance back to the tabernacle, which happens before Masses and when the Chapel closes each day. Only those trained and committed to its reverence can perform this sacred duty.

Once exposed, the Blessed Sacrament may never be left alone on the altar. That’s why our goal is always to have at least two committed adorers – those who commit to and fulfill a Holy Hour every week – for every hour the adoration chapel is open. Nearly all of our open hours do have at least two people committed, praise God! Adoration is only possible because of the devotion of committed adorers, and those who serve as substitutes for them.

+ About the Stained Glass

The Most Holy Trinity Adoration Chapel is a sacred place of refreshment, inspiration, and peace with windows gifted by several families and individuals. The windows by stained glass artist Dieterich Spahn are a persuasive invitation to enter more deeply in the Mystery of Christ. The stained glass project was completed in 2012.

To download a PDF that provides explanation of each window, click here.

+ Resources for Adorers

Adoration Coordinators

The adoration chapel is coordinated by volunteers at OLG and supported by parish staff. Adoration Coordinators have several duties:

  • Under the direction of the Pastor, schedule and promote adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the parish
  • Promote prayer and understanding of the importance of the Blessed Sacrament in the life of the parish
  • Assist in the growth and celebration of the adoration program at Our Lady of Grace by expanding the hours and days, with the ultimate goal of perpetual adoration (24/7)
  • Oversee parish communications regarding the Chapel
  • Help people sign up and keep a weekly Holy Hour as “committed adorers”
  • Manage the online system used for registering committed adorers, substitutes, and assisting committed adorers in securing a substitute with advance notice
  • Assist committed adorers with finding a substitute in an emergency

The Adoration Chapel Coordinators are always happy to answer questions about adoration at OLG and to assist fellow adorers and those interested in becoming a committed adorer.

They may be reached at Emails are checked throughout the day and evening and usually received a response within a few hours.

Chapel Library

Next to the sign-in kiosk at the back of the MHT Adoration Chapel (located next to the Chapel entrance across from the restrooms), we provide a variety of resources for adorers – Bibles, other reading material, prayer cards, rosaries, and pamphlets on a range of topics that assist you in growing your prayer and faith life. All resources may be borrowed and returned while in the Chapel.


A variety of resources for prayers can be found by clicking here.

Adorer Enrichment Events

Throughout the liturgical year, the Adoration Coordinators, in partnership with the Sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta (PES) and parish clergy, plan and put on at least one annual event for adorers to enrich and deepen their experience of adoration in the chapel. While all are welcome, these events are designed with committed adorers and substitutes in mind.