April 2019

April 2019
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you! 

Real Life Clue! 

Who: Anyone in 8th-12th Grades
Where: Frassati Room
When: March 31st from 7:30-9PM 

You are cordially invited to come and solve a MURDER!

Throughout the evening you are going to travel from room to room in the church interacting with the iconic clue characters in this real life version of the classic mystery board game. Whether it’s searching for physical clues, interviewing characters or more, we NEED YOU to solve the mystery. 


It's that time of year again! Time for the OLG Fish Fry!

We would love to have your support again this year at the Men's Club Annual Fish Fry on April 5th! There are lots of opportunities to help out throughout the event! We need everyone on board to make this the best Fish Fry EVER!

There are two shifts that you can volunteer for:
1st Shift: 4:00PM- 6:15PM

2nd Shift:  5:45PM- 8:00PM


Highschoolers make sure to sign in HERE
Middleschoolers can sign-up HERE!
Adults sign-up HERE!

Volunteers will get a t-shirt again this year, so get your friends together and sign up soon! Thank your in advance for your help with the Fish Fry and we will see you on April 5th!

ANNNNNNND Don’t forget! All HighSchool Volunteers are invited to watch a movie and eat pizza at 8:30PM in the Youth Room! This year we are watching RALPH WRECKS THE INTERNET! See you there!

Thursday, April 25, 7:30 AM
Interlachen Country Club, Edina

With great joy the Sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta invite you to our Breakfast Fundraiser: He is Alive! We will celebrate together the Resurrection of our Lord and the abundant joy in His presence! Your participation and generosity will enable us to repair the Convent of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as well as receive more vocations who will promote the vocation to holiness in our beloved OLG Community and the whole Church. See more! 

The 2019 Baccalaureate Mass Registration is open! 
Find out how you can join in on this great event HERE!
The “Life is Wonderful” event will feature a chipped-time 10K/5K race and family fun walk/kids run along scenic Lake Harriet. This year, we anticipate more than 600 racers and 1000 total participants! The 10K and 5K includes a team component for finish time and fundraising. As a fitting tribute to the beauty and dignity of life and motherhood, this Abria event is held every year on the Saturday of Mother's Day weekend. 

Pick your event: Fun Run/Walk or 10k/5k race and support the great work of Abria, helping put a choice for life within reach for thousands of women and their families. It will be a great day of celebrating all beautiful, strong moms.

Wednesday, April 3, 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Confessions offered from 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM. A soup supper available for all from 11:30 AM – 7:30 PM.

Please bring a toiletry item to be donated to Haven Housing, a sanctuary for abused women and children.

Lent and Easter schedule 2019- see here

LifeNight's are a mixture of faith and fun, and are open to everyone who is in high school! 

Our next LifeNight is April 10th!

At this weeks LifeNight, we dive into the meaning of the church building. The Catholic Church is a sacramental Church which means deeper realities are expressed in perceptible signs. The church building is not a neutral place; it is not simply a skin for liturgical action. It is a place where prayer happens; it is a temple where sacrifice is offered.

Monday, July 22 - Friday, July 26
Every day at Roar Totally Catholic VBS, kids will learn simple Bible points and be immersed in new adventures! Together we will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers us all through this “wild” life. ANNNND each year we need Highschoolers to help pass on their faith during VBS! To register to be a Crew Leader and for more information go here!


A Sacrament for Healing Shame

From Bishop Andrew Cozzens

It is always surprising to me that people turn out in such great numbers for Ash Wednesday Mass. The symbol of ashes on the forehead is an ancient symbol of repentance. It is an acknowledgment that I have sinned and I need God’s mercy. Perhaps so many people come on Ash Wednesday because deep down they recognize a basic human need ­— the need to be freed from shame.

Despite the many pages written in modern psychology about shame, nothing captures this need more clearly than the first chapters of the Bible. In the beginning when God created Adam and Eve, the only statement made about their interior life is that “they felt no shame” (Gn 2:25). This is what it meant to stand in the light of God’s love. However, as soon as they sin and separate themselves from God, Adam and Eve hide. Why? Because they are ashamed (Gn 3:8).

Read the full column in English and Spanish in The Catholic Spirit.


National Crime Victims’ Rights Week during National Child Abuse Prevention Month

National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM) recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. This year’s theme is “Strong and Thriving Families”. During the month of April, schools and parishes are encouraged to increase awareness and provide education and support to families. Please make plans now to honor this important initiative.

April 7-13 is National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). Find the resource guide here.

The USCCB offers several Catholic faith-based resources for NCAPM. These include: Intentions for a Rosary for Healing and Protection, Call to Prayer (for April 5), Mass intentions (for April 8), a Novena for Protection and Healing, posters, and a variety of graphics and social media images.

National Child Abuse Prevention Month resources are also available here.


Called and Gifted™ Workshop 

Saturday, April 6
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
St. Pius X, White Bear Lake

Explore the ancient teaching of the Church on how the gifts (or charisms) of the Holy Spirit work in our life and in the life of your parish. During this one-day workshop, you will learn the signs and characteristics of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit. Cost: $80 per person. Includes: materials, refreshments, and follow-up personal discernment guidance. Register online. Contact Patrick Conley at 651-323-3292 or conleyp@archspm.org or Kim Williams at 651-762-3626 or kwilliams@churchofstpiusx.org.


Chrism Mass

Thursday, April 11
Cathedral of Saint Paul, St. Paul
The faithful of the Archdiocese are invited to join for the annual Chrism Mass, where Archbishop Bernard Hebda will bless the Holy Oils that will be used throughout the Archdiocese. Also, during this Mass all priests renew their priestly promises. 

4:30 p.m. Holy Hour and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
5:15 p.m. Vespers and Benediction
7 p.m. Mass with blessing of the Oil of the Sick, the Oil of Catechumens, and the Sacred Chrism

After Mass, parish representatives may pick up their oils in the lower level of the Cathedral. If your parish needs more than the regular bag of three 1 oz. bottles, please email Laurinda Irwin at irwinl@archspm.org with your parish name and request. Oils will also be ready for pick up after 8:30 a.m. Friday, April 12 at the Archdiocesan Catholic Center, 777 Forest Street, St. Paul.

Reception of Newly-blessed Oils in the Parish

The rubric for the Chrism Mass n. 15 indicates that after the Chrism Mass, “The reception of the Holy Oils may take place in individual parishes either before the celebration of the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper or at another time that seems more appropriate.” The USCCB received permission in 1989 to publish a brief Rite for that “reception,” which appeared in the previous translation of the Sacramentary. The third edition of the Roman Missal no longer includes that Rite, but does not offer any other suggestions. Consequently the 1989 text is still permitted to be used. It appears in the Sacramentary Supplement that you still may have in storage; in addition the USCCB now offers that Rite online here.


Good Friday Holy Land Collection – April 19

The annual Holy Land collection which is taken up in parishes on Good Friday is especially important this year. This appeal supports the Franciscan community of the Custody of the Holy Land and their activities of nourishing poor parishes, providing formation and education, food and housing for the poor, providing humanitarian aid to refugees and more. In addition, there is a special focus on Syria within the Holy Land which has experienced the devastation and dislocation of the Catholic population due to war and violence. A portion of the collection will then be specifically identified for our partnership with the Archeparchy (Archdiocese) of Damascus, Syria. If you have questions, contact friesenm@archspm.org.


Seminary Application Launch Window is Now for Fall 2019

Director of Vocations Father David Blume is currently meeting with men applying to be considered for acceptance as archdiocesan seminarians for Fall 2019. If someone in your parish is discerning the priesthood and would like help with their next steps, please have them contact Father David Blume at frblume@stthomas.edu or 651-962-6890.

Cor Jesu

Friday, April 5
8 p.m.
The Saint Paul Seminary (St. Mary’s Chapel), St. Paul
Eucharistic adoration, confession, praise and worship music and fellowship with young adults, college-age and older. Father Vincent Davila, OP, will preside. Parking is waived on South Campus surface lots at the University of St. Thomas. For more information, call the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890 or visit the Cor Jesu Facebook page. Parishes, please share the flyer.

Holy Hour for Vocations

Tuesday, April 9
7 – 8 p.m.
Church of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Delano – St. Peter Campus
All people of the Archdiocese are invited to participate in the Holy Hours for Vocations, a program sponsored by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. This year’s seminarian posters show the calendar of the Holy Hours for Vocations that will be taking place at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Each month, the Holy Hour for Vocations will take place at another parish in the Archdiocese. Come spend an hour with Jesus each month to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and diaconate. For more information, please contact the Office of Vocations at 651-962-6890 or visit 10000vocations.org. Parishes, please share the postcard.

Home for the Summer

June 15 – August 10, 2019
"Home for the Summer" is a Catholic summer household experience for women who are interested in discerning their vocation while living in community for 8 weeks. This summer program is for women who are college age up to 27. Applications are now being taken. Please see 10000vocations.org for more information and to fill out an inquiry form. Parishes, please share the poster.

Quo Vadis Youth Vocation Camp

July 21 – 24, 2019
Dunrovin Retreat Center, Marine on St. Croix
“Quo Vadis” is a camp experience for youth ages 14-17 to learn that nothing is more important than discovering God’s will for your life – and living it! Quo Vadis begins on Sunday, July 21 with 4 p.m. registration, followed by 5 p.m. Sunday Mass and concludes on Wednesday at 1 p.m. The camp includes Mass, prayer, campfires, talks, field trips to visit religious communities, confession, rosary along with lots of outdoor camp fun and recreation! Space is limited. For more information and to register, visit 10000vocations.org

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