LifeNight Wrap-up! - One Moment

February 2021
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Here at OLG our  High School Youth Ministry (anyone who has been confirmed in 8th-12th grade) is meant to engage young people where they are at in their journey to respond to the ultimate call of all of our lives: the call to be an intentional disciple of God. 

In all of our ministires we bring the Gospel to young people by the art of living well - and it begins and ends with Christ. There are so many places here at OLG for everyone to get involved in order to share their gifts.  Contact us today to see where God is calling you!
Thank you everyone who was able to make it last night! We were able to pack a TON of Blessings Bags and start a bunch for others to finish! 

Don't forget! Next week is our Mardi Gras Party - we are going to have Pizza, Games, and Prayer! See you in-person at 7:30PM in the Dining Room! 

The goal of last night was to educate us all on the issues of poverty and homelessness within our communities, while broadening our perspective on the dignity and place of the poor.
  • It may only take a moment for someone to fall into the cycle of poverty, but it also only takes us a moment, a shared moment, to remind them of their dignity.
  • An “I-it” relationship is what we create when we are in transactions with people whom we treat like objects. I-you relationships are characterized by human connection; treating people as people.
  • Jesus prefers the poor because He is modeling how much we should rely on Him. By encountering the poor, we all have a unique opportunity to also encounter our own poverty and need for a Savior.
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