Have you heard about Gabri MacInnes?


Gabri’s Story

This last LifeNight that we had was especially awesome because we got to hear from Gabri, an OLG School and Youth Ministry Alum. She came to share her story about vocation, and encouraged us all to search for what God is calling each of us to do! Keep checking back here as we update you on Gabri’s Journey!

R E S C U E   A   V O C A T I O N  ~  M A K E   A   D O N A T I O N

Each vocation is a Miracle for the Church… some of these Miracles need your help to be realized.

My fellow Labouré Aspirants and I are raising funds to deliver our class of future priests, sisters and brothers into formation for the priesthood or religious life. With the gift of advanced graduate education this class brings to their religious institutes comes a large collective vocation blocking obstacle of student loan debt. This class would need to raise $1,700,000 dollars by December 31st for all of us to enter formation next Spring. 

As a step toward this goal, each Aspirant like me is asked to raise the average Labouré Aspirant student loan debt of $60,000. Many of us have loans greater than that amount and may require participation in multiple classes to merit an award large enough to mitigate our student loans and enter formation. 

My fellow Aspirants and I are grateful for your generous support. In making our vocation possible you become part of our gift to God. Please know you are and will remain in our prayers of gratitude. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or the staff of Labouré with any questions.
God Bless you!

Email: gabri@laboureaspirant.org